
Honeybees Luv Dogspit

I'm gathering photographic evidence of a natural phenomenon never before described in the scientific literature: honeybees gathering dog saliva for purposes as yet unknown.

For about an hour in late July, I observed this honeybee return over and over to gather dog saliva from the gnawed end of this, my dog's favorite stick. Once the honeybee became obsessed with the stick, I had to bribe the dog with another toy, so he wouldn't wind up competing with the bee. The dog, needless to say, was not amused.
Here's a shot from September—the dog's favorite Frisbee, with honeybee on board.
Again, I observed the bee gathering saliva from the toy for more than an hour after the dog had finished playing with it. She returned the next day to do the same thing. I mention the timing of these two observations because, given the short lifespan of a honeybee, I doubt this was the same honeybee as the one on the stick.
Off she goes, carrying her treasure back to the hive. My theory is the bee is going for the salts in my dog's saliva. I hope, over time, to gather more portraits of honeybees on dog toys.


  1. Poor Sancha. Anyway, I can understand the bees fell with the charming of the dog. And also Montse.

    Say hello to the animals.

  2. Poor Sancha. Anyway, I can understand the bees falling with the charming of that dog. And so does Montse.

    Say hello to the animals

  3. My dog is obsessed with Bees - she catches them, swallows them and then spends the next hour or so eating grass and regurgitating the contents of he stomach - does anyone have any ideas?
