
Recent Things


Glam caterpillar on fennel.
Honeybee on zinnia.

Bumblebee on sunflower.

A neighbor's strange enterprise.

Rat-hunting target practice?

Bumblebee & borage.

Grandpa Ott morning glory.

The Pesto Factory.

Sencha and Wren conducting a Field Study.

Daddy Longlegs & old Mason jar.

A really big shoe (and a really long worm).

Aster. A most September-iferous flower.


  1. Gerry,
    It looks like you have arrived in Heaven! I so enjoyed reading about your adventures in beekeeping in the Gazette & looked for you and found you here. I see there is much to read on this blog -- I'm reminded of something you put together long ago for our old group about nature & spirituality. And it makes me happy to see Hardboiled Wonderland on your fav list -- I read that book on your recommendation and passed it on to many.
    Warmest thoughts,
    Lauren Young

  2. Lauren,
    What a delightful surprise to hear from you! Drop me an email if you like--globalswarming at gmail.

    It would be great to see you when I get back into town in mid-October, if you're up for it.

    Either way, thanks for writing and the good wishes. I send the same.

